Monday, June 14, 2010


Pause. What's on your mind when u hear abt this word? Well, when I hear about this word, I simply thought about a player, dvd, game, or music maybe. Something that we're playing, and because of something we have to stop it for a while. Ever heard of this words? Life is a game? I kind of agree with that statement. Life is like a game, u have a choice to decide which way u want to go, how to solve your problems, and how to solve the maze, how to use equipments, and many2 more... If we played that game like hours, we might be have to paused(to eat, bladder, shower), to keep focus on that game. Well, it's likewise with this life. Ever feel very full ? Like problems keep coming and coming, and you have no idea how to solve all of those? :)
Well, lately I do feel like that. I feel like my life torn apart, all of my walls. And I have no idea what to do. I don't know how to share all those. I just keep silent, and my mind getting worse..and worse....
And all of the sudden, something inside me tell me to pause. Just stop thinking about myself nor my problems, just stop. I really love travelling, I love to see the world, see the diversity. And today, that becomes my 'PAUSE'. I also quiet a melancholic person, I love to analyze stuffs, also people, LOL. Today, I analyze people I met on the street. I looked at them, randomly. Keep looking..keep staring.. and I found this amazing thing. I see miracle everytime I see people. Yes, EVERYTIME! Miracle is not something so BIG that just some people can experience it.. Miracle is simple. When I see God taken care of everyone I saw in the street, I see miracle. When I see my friend get a job, I see miracle. When I see my friend change to a better person, I see miracle. There can be miracle, when you believe, right?
One quote I got from 'Bruce Almighty' is Be The Miracle. Many people not knowing what miracle is, then, it's your task to become a miracle for them!
Sometimes in your life, u just have to pause things, slow things down, and see what God have done in your life...and you can't even count the miracles God gave to u ^^ B

Monday, June 7, 2010


This is my experience of learning about relationship. Well, i'm not gonna tell you about my love life :p But i'll share what i learned recently about relationship. Many of us think that relationshipis cool. Having a boyfriend is everything. Can't live without them.. etc2.... Well, i'm not judging everyone, but in my opinion, to make a relationship, to build it, u have to know the purpose of it first. In everything u do, before u do it, u have to know what is the purpose of doing it, am I rite? For example, if u go to college, u have to know first, what u want to be in the future, then u decide which college u're going. The purpose of relationship is marriage, building a family, finding your life partner that God sent to help u in the future. I witnessed so many people that didn't know the purpose of relationship but making it, and ended up hurt. Gratefully, I never experience it, God forbid me in a very weird way :p A year ago, I almost have a special relationship with someone, but it ended with my big spiritual brother yelled at me and forbid me to do it hahaha.. At first, I really mad at him, I mean who the hell are you forbid me to do that?? But now, I know he did that to protect me, and I know he did it because he loves me as a sister.
I read many books about relationship, one of them saying this
"A right person in the wrong time is wrong"
Until u really ready for commitment, just stay single. U still have a lot to do with your single life! Trust me, married is not that simple, and being in a relationship somehow can resist you of doing your purpose. Moreover, if u're doing it with a wrong person.
Remember, the best things in life, never come easy! So keep waiting, until the time has come ^^

Thursday, May 27, 2010


In the past two years, this question is keep coming to me. What's my purpose in life? What should I do in this BIG earth? Time goes on still a question..even a bigger more. I've been doing a little "research" in my community, i'm asking everyone, what will u do after college? How do u see yourself in the next 5 years? Well, sadly, i'm finding the truth that most of them said, "I don't know..", "Just let it flow, man...", or even sadly "I'm going to college ONLY to get the DEGREE, after that, I guess I'm doing nothing"... And I just heard it sadly, without doing anything(I want to critize them, but it's their choice, and it's their life, so I'm not gonna be the boss of their life, I guess..) But, if u happen to read this blog.. I want to tell u this...
God created u to be a WINNER.... If u keep telling yourself that you can't, u will never ever achieve anything in your life! Come on!!
God designed u, and His work never FAILS. So, what are u waiting for?
Don't tell me u're looking to others. Well, that's another story. Recently, I read a facebook status, and that's very annoy me. It said, "If u think God is fair, u have to think again"
HEH?? U can't blame God for your imperfection, your situation, or even your background.
One message I can tell u:
Nobody's perfect but EVERYBODY has POTENTION. I met like thousands people in my life, and I've been talking to many of them, and find out that, everybody is unique! Everybody has great great great potention!
So, don't underestimate yourself, find your potention, and u can enjoy this life ^^
Quoting from my pastor:
U were designed to be a HISTORY MAKER! Live FULL, die empty!
Just like a battery, it dies if it's empty right?
So should we :)
I prayed all of us will find our purpose in life, use our potention to bless others, and the world will be a better place ^^

Monday, May 24, 2010

Steve Job's video

It's a very inspiring video, watch it guys :)

Journey of Faith

Yesterday, when I have my quiet time with God, God talked about faith and joy. At first, I don't know what that means. Well, I know the meaning, but the real question is, what should I do? What should I learned?
And as always, God never leave me confuse for a long time. Today, as usual, I go to my church and attending the 4th COB. And guess what's the theme? FAITH! Hahahhaa... I'm just amazed as always. God is so good to me :) Well, what I learned tonight is... FAITH is the thing that you walk by, not sit by, or just wait for some miracles to happen. As it said in 2 Cor 5:7, I walk by faith, not by sight. ^^
FAITH can do MORE. Have it, even a little, you will feel the difference ^^

Lessons of Life

"When something's not comfortable, another thing is growing"

That's what I learned from church a while ago. It's very true :) This year I learned like a looooot... WHooop *excited*
I moved church recently, and that's the start of everything :D I met new people, new community, and most of all I got this new "breads" ^^
At first, it's very uncomfortable, *sigh* With all the negative things people says about my new church, which not helping at all, but I'm trying to survive.. And I really learned that everything in life that is BEST, never come easy... That's what my big brother said a long time ago.. But now really know how it feels... Now, I can smile over it, after I through all the "uncomfotable" things, I can connecting the dots. I can see why all this happens at the first place. Even when I'm doing it I have no idea. For u, yeah... for u who read this :) If u happen to have some problems, some uncomfortable situation.. Guess what.. something is GROWING in YOU. maybe you can't see it now, but someday, you will remember it all, and connecting the dots that God put in your problems, and smile over it :)

The Beginning

From now on, I will write in this blog, either in my notes on FB, :D

I really love writing actually haahaha... not many people know about it =p

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Nice to meet ya :)